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Mahasuryagrahana vaishravana tantra yagam on 21 June 2020 by Dr.Pradeep Joshi astrologer


Sadguru doctor Pradeep Joshi astrologer is farming excellent ritual name why Sravana tantrum which is very powerful to get prosperity in easy way find the time of eclipse SunGard it is very powerful and auspicious time of 3 hours whoever perform the remedies and a specific ritual of tantra which is very useful for your life and it may change your your destiny towards the great prosperity E and wealth so don’t miss this Great event attend and have a blast of Sun god in this holy eclipse time of sun the cost of ritual is 51000 and will allowed only limited people we wish you all people come along with your own vehicle and don’t come in public transportation use your own transportation and you have to maintain the social distance here and Limited people only will allowed here

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